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Your presence is our present. Should you still bring a gift?

Your presence is our present. Should you still bring a gift? Depends I think. When my son was younger I did not say no to gifts, I did however, wait until after his party to open gifts, I felt like opening a bunch of gifts in front of other children, especially small children, was just not right. The young children did not understand why they did not have gifts and my son certainly was not going to share his gifts or take turns playing with his new toy. Now that my son is 11, I am completely fine with saying no to gifts, I mean we have a house full of toys that he no longer plays with and his hobbies are a bit pricey now than before ( fortnite, tennis, golf ) So I think if I parent requests you do not bring a gift, maybe just a card with a gift card for the child to choose a gift or save the money for a larger ticket item but I would hope parents of small children would allow them to receive gifts, there is nothing like a child opening a gift and seeing the joy on their cute little face!