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How much to too much for birthday parties??

So my son turned 11 last week..11! I just cannot believe it. We always have a family birthday party and later in the month, we have a friends birthday party. This year, its the game truck again..my son and 15+ friends will hop on a game truck and play, more than likely, Fortnite, the same game he plays with his friends every night. We will have some sort of food and cookie cake and donuts and they will be content for an hour and a half and then go home. My son loves his friends parties but it makes me wonder, would he not have the same amount of fun as he did a few years ago just having friends over, running around in the yard for a while and then having cake and everyone go afterwards? Do we always have to throw some outlandish theme party for him and his friends? These parties are not cheap, my husband and I average over $500 for these parties. Could we just save the money and give it to him for a Graduation gift? that would be quite a bit of money, but then, no memories of childhood birthdays. When I was growing up, parties at our houses were normal, although I do recall having a party at Pizza Hut, and some friends had parties at skating rinks but the majority were at home with some meal and cake. So do we really have to have the big friends party or does the cake and a nice meal at home suffice? I for one would love to save the money however, I do love seeing my son's excitement and joy of his friends taking their time to celebrate with him and that to me is priceless.
